distraction no.99

Nova Ren Suma • Writing about writing to distract myself from writing

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In Which I Read IMAGINARY GIRLS for the Last (?) Time, Finish My Book, and Recover from Writer Space Camp

I got back from the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop in Laramie, Wyoming, on Sunday night, where I learned so many things, met some great people, and where my laptop broke (sob! more on that in a moment). The first day I was home, on Monday, I was rewarded with my copyedits for 17 & Gone! As many of you know, copyedits are the last stage before a book becomes an ARC (advance reading copy)… which means this was my final chance to fix anything before people could read and start reviewing. My laptop had a terrible crash while I was in Wyoming, and it took days (and nights) off E’s life trying to get it into a workable condition, but even with this slowing me down I had to finish reviewing those copyedits ASAP. I also—because I am obsessive—took it upon myself to read the whole manuscript through carefully, from page 1. I just finished on Thursday, and turned in my acknowledgments and author’s note on Friday, and then I, like my MacBook, crashed.

I think it’s just the idea of being done—of having this book absolutely and completely out of my hands very soon, when it’s shipped off to be made into ARCs next—that made my mind and body overload and had me curling up under the covers unable to face the world. It’s normal to have a down moment after finishing something so enormous. Absolutely normal. I’m really thrilled about what the book has become, but it’s just hard to let go.

All this—computer troubles, copyedits to review—has kept me from blogging about the stars and Launch Pad, and I’m so sorry! In the meantime, if you’re curious how the week went, Matthew Kressel and Tiffany Trent both have great posts about the week. I learned so much… about the universe, and about people, too. It was a fascinating week. And the idea I was hoping for did come, and that’s all I could ask for.

One last thing before I let you go. Are you in New York City? If you are, I hope you’ll consider coming tomorrow—Sunday, August 5, at 3pm—to the Tandem Reading Series for the “Troubled Youth” Reading and Panel. I’ll be reading from Imaginary Girls (most likely for the last time in public… the next reading I have set up is in February, and I’ll be reading from 17 & Gone then!), and I’ll be with YA authors Dan Krokos and Patty Blount, with the panel moderated by Brooks Sherman. I’ll try to bring a few copies of the Imaginary Girls paperback, if you want to buy a signed one.

Here’s more info on tomorrow’s “Troubled Youth” reading and panel! Admission is $5, but if you bring a story of your own to be considered for the series, you get in for FREE.

Thanks for listening. Now, to get myself back together, which means: answer emails, contact authors for interview series, finish new book proposal, do freelance project, and maybe… nap some more, for a little while.

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